Thursday, April 13, 2017

He is Risen

Image result for jesus walking on the beach
This week is Easter and we have the opportunity to remember Christ and his sacrifice that he made for us. I consider myself lucky because I have been in a class this last semester where I have been studying Christ's life and teachings. There is one story that touched me, especially as I have been thinking about the resurrection. This story starts after Christ had been crucified, the apostles returned to their daily tasks of fishing. Jesus, now a resurrected being, is walking on the shoreline and calls out to the disciples. I love what happened as soon as Peter recognized who it was. continuing in John 21:7, we read:
"Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea."
What would you do if you saw the resurrected Christ? Peter recognizing that it was the savior that had resurrected and immediately went to him. There have been many times in my life where I have recognized that the Lord is alive and seeking to bless each one of us. As we are blessed, we should run (or in this case swim) to him and thank him because there is much to thank him for.
He does continually bless us and seek to help us. Christ suffered for our sins so that he would know how to do this. I encourage all you this Easter season to ponder on how Christ has blessed your life and then go to him in prayer and thank him. 
I am grateful for the savior and all he does for us. I know that he did die for us as the ultimate sacrifice, that he was resurrected, and that he lives for us, giving us hope and strength.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Lively Hope

Image result for lively hope
This last week in my religion class we have had the opportunity to talk about the resurrection of Christ. and how that blesses us. I really like a scripture found in 1 Peter 1:3 which reads:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

Reading this scripture it reminds me of one of the great blessings of the resurrection of Christ. Because Jesus came here to earth and suffered for each of us, we not only will rise again and be resurrected, but we can also return to, and dwell, in God's presence. This means a lot to me. Even though I am imperfect and struggle, because of Christ I can have the hope of a better future.

This scripture shows that God, our Father, sent his son Jesus Christ to die for us, and that through his death and subsequent resurrection, we can have a lively hope. Not just any hope, but a lively one. One that guarantees that we will live again, and that we will be restored to a perfect frame.

This last week we had the opportunity to listen to God's chosen prophets. They repeatedly instructed to learn of Christ. I know that as we learn of him our optimism and hope will grow. I encourage you to study out Christ and his teachings, that your hope may become more lively, and that you may recognize his abundant mercy in your life.