Friday, January 13, 2017

Blessing God's Children

We know that through Christ “the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God” (D&C 76:24, emphasis added). This helps confirm to me what God taught to Moses that, “thou art my son” (Moses 1:4). We are all children of loving Heavenly Parents and they want what is best for us. Looking at examples of parenthood in my life I see many sacrifices that my parents make to help me succeed. They want me to blessed with all the blessings they have.

Continuing to look at my parents as examples I see that I am very much like them. Elder Callister has asked “Do not the laws of science teach us that like begets like, each after its kind? Science has taught us that a complex genetic code transferred from parent to child is responsible for the child attaining the physical attributes of his parents”. Like begets like, and because I am a child of God, I can return and be like him! Knowing that I can return to him it makes me thing more deeply about “Why am I here?”.

I am here to help bless others. Enoch saw God was weeping because “there has not been so great wickedness as among thy brethren” (Moses 7:36). I do not want to contribute to “wickedness” here on this earth, I really don’t want to be a reason that my Heavenly Parents are weeping. There are many small and simple things that we can do to help diminish the wickedness in the world and one is through testimony.

I hope that through my blog and my testimony that I will be sharing I too can help to bless others and diminish “wickedness among (my) brethren”.

What else can be done to reduce wickedness here on earth? How can you help to bless your brethren? Comment below on your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. I love your thoughts here and the questions after to get me to think. In response to your questions I agree that ones' testimony is a good way to help diminish wickedness and that can be shared not only verbally, but through actions - living your beliefs through love and service :).
    Thank you for sharing!
