Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Forgiveness in simple steps

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This last week in my Christ and the Everlasting Gospel class we have been talking about miracles. Every miracle has both a physical and a spiritual part. One thing that I have noticed is a lot of the times the spiritual miracle is forgiveness. To be forgiven and made clean in God’s presence is truly a miracle.

As I have been studying many stories about people that were considered “unclean”, by the oral tradition of the Jews, I have noticed that they were not afraid to lay it all before Christ. Even being “unclean” they went before the Lord and asked to be helped. Through my studies on repentance I came to this scripture in Proverbs 28:13:

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy

This is comforting that we can receive mercy. I have many times needed help, and I know that as we approach the Lord with a “broken heart and contrite spirit”, He will forgive us.

Forgiveness is made possible through the atonement of Christ. We suffered for each of us and drank of the bitter cup so that our lives could be sweet. There is nothing more sweet then drawing nearer to our Father through forgiveness. All it takes is us kneeling in prayer and confessing our sins followed by forsaking, or leaving them behind.

You can follow these steps for anything. I encourage you to take these steps to draw nearer to God and taste of his sweetness. 

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